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7 things to do in WINTER on St Helena

If you ask a local on St Helena what they like to do in winter, you might be met with a frown as they'll probably tell you "same things really" - that there isn't too much of a difference in lifestyle - just get out there, take your boots, a rain jacket & sun screen (yes, the sun is still known to make an appearance during our winter and can catch you off guard).

The seasons on St Helena are not as clear-cut as say the UK, with four seasons happening in one week at times, but it generally has more rain than our summer season.

Our actual winter refers to June to August with lowest temperatures around 16 degrees. So not a majorly cold place to be but definitely cold by local standards where we're normally spoilt with temperatures 21-25 most of the year (with peak temperatures around 28-32 degrees during our hot summer months).

So here are 7 things you can do in winter on St Helena:

(1) Put your boots on and take a walk through Plantation Forest, or another easy walk that can be done with an old pair of boots and a jacket if needed.

(2) Sit & watch a winter sunset at Rosie's whilst drinking a hot cup of coffee (or a beer!) - grab a pizza whilst you're at it

(3) Take a drive out to the St Helena Airport on a Saturday afternoon - you can people-watch from the Viewing Platform and can grab a bite to eat at the Restaurant, or on the way back from the Airport you can head back and stop off at Paul Andrews Eatery in Longwood (near Harford Primary School)

(4) Get out and about on a boat trip to watch the dolphins or humpback whales. June/July - Sep is also whale season on St Helena so you might be lucky to spot the humpback whales whilst you're out there. If not our nosey dolphins are almost sure to make an appearance.

(5) Head to Rupert's Beach armed with a frying pan, and ingredients for a perfect beach breakfast. Don't forget to take some wood with you to add to the fire grates that are there. Definitely take a towel - you won't be able to resist the water - even if it's just up to the knees!

(6) Take a drive around the island to find some sun - the views are spectacular and even in winter you're bound to find a piece of sunshine somewhere ~ head out to Levelwood via Sandy Bay. Try out the newly opened Haul Road and then of course you must end up at the Seaside!

(7) Speaking of Seaside - Just enjoy being beside the Sea and get some of that fresh sea air down your lungs. There's always warm temperatures awaiting you in Jamestown, whether it's during rain or sunshine.

You might have noticed that a few of these have involved food and drink - but that's how we like to do it on St Helena. Cook-ups and eating out are a great way to enjoy our island - come winter, spring, summer or autumn. But don't forget the boots, jacket and sunscreen.

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