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It's March Meet the Maker Month...Hi from Giselle

Giselle cutting glass for fusing

March is known in the hand-made world as 'Meet the Maker Month.' It's a chance to tell the world about the person behind the products. So hello from me, Giselle Richards and welcome to my world at G-Unique Designs... It's hard to believe that this coming April will make nine years since I started G-Unique Designs in 2010. Initially it was my creative outlet alongside of my counselling career (of 10 years) before I made it my full-time profession in 2017. Now, I work with young people from a different perspective by up-skilling them in jewellery design - and am constantly getting digs about how 'old' I am (ahem!) and how my taste in music is 'embarrassing.' In their eyes I am definitely over-the-hill. Yes, it comes with the territory of working with young people.

Young people at G-Unique

What I love about being a creator of jewellery, especially on St Helena is the freedom of choice that it represents. I literally look around for inspiration and make a choice about how and when to channel it into my next jewellery design. Just last week, I experimented with designing fused-glass jewellery depicting the 'everlasting flower' which grows all over St Helena ~ it was actually sent here as a present for Napoleon Bonaparte during his imprisonment here 200 years ago (1815-1821). Fancy that. All that history attached to one flower. It's a product line I'm working on in time for the Napoleonic Bicentenary celebrations in 2021. More on that another day. But when I'm not at the Studio, or working at my Boutique, then I'm a Mum of a 'three-nager.' He's the real boss of me. It's a job in itself keeping up with an ever-growing energetic little guy. At the moment it's a dinosaur phase ~ not exactly something I can weave into my next jewellery designs. But that lil guy is definitely my best creation by far.

Giselle at the G-Unique Boutique

Anyway, that's enough about this maker for the month of March. Thank you for being a supporter of a small hand-made business like mine.

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