Looking back 52 weeks ago on St Helena
Today I took time to reflect on the last year & asked myself - 'what was I doing this time last year?' For someone living on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere with just over 4,000 people ~ it sure can seen like a lot going on!
Firstly, I was in the midst of designing & mastering the new 'Island Fusion' pendant necklace for the talented O'Keefe sisters who have since gone on to take their music to the outside world - it was a fantastic experience to be a part of such a unique collaboration which is still on-going as I continue to create these necklaces by hand & sell through our online shop.
Secondly, it was coming to the 'end of an era' with the RMS St Helena getting ready to complete her final voyage & then being a part of the celebrations that came with such a momentous occasion. Memorable indeed. She still remains a topic of nostalgia on the island & a major missing to those who believed she was a significant part of St Helena culture.
With the end of one era, it brought the beginning of another: air access made it possible for the island to host its first International Conference on St Helena with delegates from around the world joining us on a common subject. Another huge milestone. This also meant the G-Unique team were busy working behind the scenes to create the metal bookmarks that were given to the delegates of this conference - it featured the St Helena Ebony flower charm together with a traditional local horse-bead seed.
Oh & on top of that we were getting ready for Valentine's Day ~ our locals love to celebrate V-Day & as the Christmas box gets packed away ~ the Valentine's box start to make an appearance.
Phew! That time-hop sure does make you realise how time flies and how much we seem to juggle all at one time at G-Unique. Who says it's a quiet life on St Helena!
So...52 weeks later we're in the midst of having two flights a week to the island which means that there seems to be a nice steady flow of visitors & visiting friends/ family (returning Saints in most cases coming for a holiday).
We're also in the midst of yachting season with 3 major races passing through our harbour bringing a variety of nationalities to our shores.
And speaking of our harbour: the whale sharks are also back in time for peak season to enjoy enchanting those who venture out to sea...so there's lots more to look forward to throughout the year, but it's been equally as nice to reflect back ~ thanks for staying with us along the journey.
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G-Unique Designs ~ Jewellery & gifts ~ Inspired & Crafted on St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean.