Taking a St Helena Island tour
When you live somewhere, you often take it & it's surroundings for granted. I have family in Capetown have never been to Table Mountain, whilst my friends in St Lucia (Caribbean) have the Pitons on their 'list to do.' Well it's no different here on St Helena. I bet there's a few of us who still have Diana's Peak, Swimming with the Whalesharks or even Jacobs ladder on our list to do.
There's a few places on my list to do but I thought; hang on a minute, if our jewellery & printable products are all inspired by the island in which we live on, surely we should also get out & about to experience it...boy I'm so glad I did just that!

I took Aaron's Adventure Tours which showed me my island in a whole new light. We visited places I never new existed on the island, or I knew was there but had them on that 'list to do.'
Aaron is a Saint who has been offering these tours for over 10 year & you can tell...he certainly knows his stuff! I would definitely recommend!

We went from coastal dessert to lush jungle scenery in a matter of 3 minutes. The contrast on St Helena is a photographers paradise & for an artisan like myself, it has certainly left me inspired for making new jewellery collections, or finding inspiration for my next hand-drawn colouring patterns. I finished the day tour feeling absolutely smitten. To say the least, I found myself 'Charmed on St Helena.'